18.07.2017 - DAY 6 - ENERGYPLUS

Thesis contains two main concept these are energy and neural networks to construct building energy consumption energy model. So, it is important to get knowledge about energy by the main resource which is EnergyPlus. EnergyPlus is free software that develops by U.S.A. Energy department. It all started after 1970 oil crisis. Buildings spend %40 percent of total energy and to decrease and control energy need  they have created database with several calculation method such as sub-hourly, etc. I have decided to focus all refined data to understand better the basics of energy. I realised that EnergyPlus has intention to encourage people to create programs works with EnergyPlus. Simultaneously, I am processing the C# learning form youtube because it will be needed to code ANN and understand the code based data's such as C++ which is the language of Energyplus. C# is object oriented language but energy-plus is more than that so developers choose to use C++ to code to software and these are similar languages so it will be easy to  understand Energy plus basics.  It will be very interesting to see how an architect get another type of identity such as coder and building energy expert. It seems hard to define a thesis working methodolgy, now adays I am mining energy concept and coding. Thanks for following me, keep watching. 

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